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Does FUE leave a scar? Does ARTAS leave a scar? OF COURSE!

Hair transplants with FUE and ARTAS: Does it leave a scar? 

One of the biggest sources of confusion in the public is that hair transplants done via follicular unit extraction or "FUE" is a scarless procedure. This is wrong. 100 % wrong.  Any time an incision is made in the skin, below a certain level, a scar wants to form.  There is no changing the laws of nature. We have to deal with the laws of nature and work around them. Such is life.


FUE leads to small circular micro scars.

Yes, FUE leads to small circular micro scars. Any form of FUE, whether robotic FUE with ARTAS or manual FUE or motorized FUE or Neograft. They all lead to tiny circular scars. There is a lot of interesting research going on to try to figure out how to reduce the appearance of these scars -  but scars do form. 

Fortunately, or unfortunately, there is no changing the laws of nature. We have to deal with the laws and work around them.  Anytime an incision is made into the skin, a scar wants to form. In 2014, a scar does form. Someday we might be able to block this process of scarring or reduce the formation of a scar, but not right now.  FUE is not a scar-less procedure.




This article was written by Dr. Jeff Donovan, a Canadian and US board certified dermatologist specializing exclusively in hair loss.

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