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Body hair transplantation: How satisfied are patients?

Body hair transplants to the scalp: Are we achieving patient needs?


More and more patients with limited or depleted scalp donor hair are opting for 'body hair transplants' or "BHT". Chest, beard, and extremity body hair provide additional means of further building scalp density.  

A study recently reported results of a survey of 122 patients who underwent body hair to scalp transplants. Most patients in the study had hair moved from the beard, and some had hair from the chest, arms, pubic area and axillae. Recipient sites included the hairline, previous strip scars and the crown.  Using a 11 point rating scale (Likert scale scored 0 to 10), the researcher showed that patients were generally quite satisfied with the procedure, given a score of 7.8 out of a maximum 10 for healing, hair growth in the recipient area and overall satisfaction

Comment:   We have a great shortage of information pertaining to body hair transplantation. The data from this study show that not only can healing and hair growth  be fairly high, but so can the overall patient satisfaction.  





Umar S. Body hair transplant by follicular unit extraction: My experience with 122 patients.  Aesthetic Surg J 2016



This article was written by Dr. Jeff Donovan, a Canadian and US board certified dermatologist specializing exclusively in hair loss.

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