Who we are. What we do.

The Donovan Hair Clinic specializes in challenging, rare and difficult to diagnose and/or manage hair loss conditions. We see patients whose diagnoses are not entirely clear and we see patients who have not benefitted from their past treatments in the way they had hoped.   We see patients with conditions that most people didn’t know even existed in humans. While some clinics see rare diseases every month or every year, we see them almost daily. The clinic's medical director, DrJeff Donovanis certified in Dermatology by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and by the American Board of Dermatology. 

The Donovan Hair Clinic is built around the primary goal of providing the highest level of care possible for individuals with hair loss. All initial consultations are performed by Dr. Donovan. Our clinic is honoured to have provided care to over 12,000 patients to date, including patients that visit us each week from around the world.   This past year alone, we have provided care to patients from 38 different countries. This includes patients of every age, with every hair type, including Caucasian, Asian and Afro-textured hair.   We focus on developing a highly individualized, long-term plan. Some of our patients continue to have periodic follow up appointments at varying intervals in person or remotely with Dr Donovan. Some of our patients return back to the care of their own physicians to begin the recommended treatment course outlined by Dr. Donovan.

We are positioned at the forefront of the clinical management of hair loss. We understand hair loss because that's all that we do in our practice. It's what we see every single day. It's what we research. It's what we teach. This area of medicine is our calling and we want to beat hair loss as much as our patients. We know the diagnostic and treatment tools needed for the fight. We know when it's worth trying and we understand the overall chances of treatment success for a given patient that comes through the door. We also understand the limitations of modern medicine and modern science and understand when we should stop a particular treatment - and when it's not advisable to start a given treatment in the first place. Our clinic routinely sees patients with some of the most complex, rare and unique presentations of hair loss. Everyday, we help adults and children with advanced genetic hair loss, alopecia areata, hair shedding issues, and scarring (cicatricial) alopecia. We are a clinic that deals with challenging diagnoses. We see rare conditions on a daily basis.  We see patients ranging in age from newborns to the elderly. We see patients with all skin types. We see patients from Canada and across the globe. 


Our clinical practice model is one-of-a-kind.

1. First, we have the skills and experience to diagnose every type of hair loss. This includes individuals with androgenetic alopecia (male pattern balding and female pattern hair loss), hair shedding abnormalities (acute and chronic telogen effluvium), alopecia areata, the various types of scarring alopecia (lichen planopilaris, frontal fibrosing, folliculitis decalvans, pseudopelade) and the rarest of genetic syndromes in children. We obtain detailed information from our patients in order to understand every aspect of their health and hair loss. We are thorough in our approach and leave no aspect of a patient’s health out of the bigger picture.

2. Second, we have the skills & experience to connect patients with the proper treatment for their particular type of hair loss, no matter the reason for hair loss. We use both FDA-approved and off-label treatments.  If a medication, treatment, technology or technique has proven useful in treating hair loss, we'll not only know about it but we'll let our patients know too. We also understand what pills, lotions and shampoos do not help and what myths and misconceptions permeate the world of hair loss. We offer no gimmicks and no fads. Our approach is a respectful, compassionate and no nonsense approach to help people improve their hair. That's our promise.  

3. Third, our clinic is not structured to sell any one particular treatment. We have no sales consultants in our office. We don't have brochures outlining one-treatment-fix-all approaches. We don't sell hair shampoos.  We are focused on asking one simple question - "what's the best treatment for this patient?" We want to connect patients with the best treatments possible. It's really that simple. We offer a wide variety of non-surgical treatments at the Donovan Hair Clinic and connect patients with other treatment centers and specialists when appropriate - including specialists in hair transplantation, scalp micro pigmentation (SMP) or centers with expertise in the use of wigs, hairpieces or hair systems. We also steer patients away from various treatments when those treatments are not appropriate. 

Our practice model puts the patient first. It’s the only way we work.

What we offer our patient therefore is simple: we offer scientifically-validated treatments along with cutting-edge, off-label treatments - geared to a specific patient's diagnosis and prognosis -  that enable us to provide options for some of the most challenging hair loss conditions imaginable.

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