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Control of Graft Depth Essential in Hair Transplantation

Many factors to create natural looking hair transplant results 

How does one great natural looking results in hair transplantation? Well there are many ways, including paying careful attention to the angle and direction that new hairs are put into the area of hair loss, controlling the density or spacing of the hairs, controlling the calibre of hairs and controlling the depth that hairs are placed.

Going deeper: Understanding Depth Control

Hair transplantation essentially involves taking follicles from the back of the scalp and moving them into areas that are thinning or bald. Small "holes" "tunnels" or incisions are created in the bald area to accommodate the new hairs. 

Creating these incisions is meticulous work. They have to be perfect. Tunnels that are too deep will cause the new hairs to sink into them creating unsightly 'pitting' (little indents around the hairs). Tunnels that are not deep enough may lead to hairs falling out or the hairs may heal as tiny mounds raise above the surface of the skin. 


Ensuring Proper Depth in Hair Transplant

The photo to the right shows how I ensure proper depth of a patient's grafts. The instrument on the far right is a needle attached to a blade holder. The needle must be adjusted so that it is the appropriate size.



A number of factors, including graft depth,  are important to ensuring natural looking results


This article was written by Dr. Jeff Donovan, a Canadian and US board certified dermatologist specializing exclusively in hair loss.

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