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What's New in Hair Loss?

Hair loss lectures at Annual Meeting of Canadian Dermatology Association 

Honoured to give two lectures today here at the annual meeting of the Canadian Dermatology Association in Fredericton, New Brunswick on the east coast of Canada.

My first lecture titled "What's New in Hair Loss" reviewed some of the newest findings in the past year in the areas of male balding, alopecia areata, telogen effluvium, scarring alopecia and chemotherapy induced hair loss. We reviewed the controversial topic of persistent erectile dysfunction ("PED") from finasteride, the controversy as to whether sunscreens really have a role in frontal fibrosing alopecia (or not). We also reviewed the 6 large studies showing benefit for oral ruxolitinib and tofacitinib in treating alopecia areata. Finally, I concluded with review of the new FDA approved Paxman cooling system for preventing hair loss from chemotherapy.

The second lecture of the day titled "PRP for Hair Loss" was delivered at a special meeting of the Canadian Society for Dermatologic Surgery. I reviewed the history of PRP and practical aspects of how we perform PRP and closed with a summary of 6 placebo controlled studies that support a benefit of PRP. I reviewed with the audience that there is nothing standardized about PRP and the way one clinic performs PRP is different than another. I calculated that there are easily 128,000 different ways I could perform a PRP procedure!

This article was written by Dr. Jeff Donovan, a Canadian and US board certified dermatologist specializing exclusively in hair loss.

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