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Dissecting Cellulitis

Yellow Dots

Dissecting Cellulitis is a rare scarring alopecia that affects men much more than women. Affected patients are young men in their 20s. The condition starts with discharge of pus and sometimes blood, it can be itchy. The beard, underarm (axilla) and groin can be affected. An important feature of diagnosis is the skin breakdown and presence of "sinus tracts" or tunnels under the skin. 
We'll finish our week long review of Dissecting cellulitis by looking at yellow dots. Yellow dots correspond to neutrophilc infiltrates on biopsy and may or may not contain a central black dot. Yellow structureless areas around hair follicles are highly characteristic of DSC. Yellow dots are sometimes referred to as soap bubble dots by some.

The primary treatment of dissecting cellulitis is isotretinoin although antibiotics, zinc, dapsone, colchicine, and TNF inhibitors can be used.

This article was written by Dr. Jeff Donovan, a Canadian and US board certified dermatologist specializing exclusively in hair loss.

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