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Canadian Alopecia Areata Foundation 2017 Summer Conference

CANAAF and Come Together 2017

The Canadian Alopecia Areata Foundation (CANAAF) is a non profit organization for all who are affected by the autoimmune hair loss condition alopecia areata. As far as charitable organizations go, CANAAF is newer - but far from being new. In fact CANAAF is now 8 years old and has grown to be an important voice across Canada for patients and families affected by alopecia areata. They are a committed group of volunteers with a strong desire to help.

If you live in Canada and are affected by alopecia areata in any way, you need to know about CANAAF. Next month, CANAAf will be hosting their 7th annual Come Together event for patients and families. It will be held at Blue Mountain Resort the weekend of July 21st to July 23rd, 2017.  It has been incredibly popular in past years. It gives children and adults the opportunity to share experiences, meet new friends and simply have fun. 


Interested individuals may wish to contact CANAAF for more information on the wonderful opportunity to be part of the summer conference and to be part of this organization. CANAAF is for Canadians!


This article was written by Dr. Jeff Donovan, a Canadian and US board certified dermatologist specializing exclusively in hair loss.

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