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Scalp Camouflage with DermMatch in Scarring Alopecia

DermMatch in Scarring Alopecia

The scarring alopecias are a group of hair conditions associated with the development of scarring under the scalp. Hair loss is often permanent although treatment might help slow or stop the loss.

A variety of means are available to reduce the appearance of hair loss for patients with scarring alopecia. These include wigs, hairpieces, hair systems, hair fibers, DermMatch, scalp micopigmentation and of course the method of hairstyle.

Trichoscopic image of DermMatch concealer on the scalp in a patient with folliculitis decalvans (a scarring alopecia)

Trichoscopic image of DermMatch concealer on the scalp in a patient with folliculitis decalvans (a scarring alopecia)

All methods have their unique advantages and disadvantages. Patients with scarring alopecias who are applying medications daily may find thicker powdercakes like “DermMatch” less convenient than hair fibers because they are just a bit more difficult to wash off and most certainly do block topical medications from properly reaching the scalp. Patients with scarring alopecia have inflammation in the scalp and factors such as irritation from fibers, itching/irritation from the use of wigs during hot days and fading of scalp micopigmentation pigments must all be taken into consideration when choosing a camouflage method.

This article was written by Dr. Jeff Donovan, a Canadian and US board certified dermatologist specializing exclusively in hair loss.

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