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EBHF Ready to Take off Soon!

Evidence Based Hair Fellowship is Ready to Take off. Applications Due Dec 1 2023

Thank you to all the practitioners who have applied for the Evidence Based Hair training fellowship (EBHF) so far. I have thoroughly enjoyed reviewing each and every application. I’m really looking forward to working with all those selected to join the EBHF program.

If we compare the EBHF training program to a voyage somewhere spectacular, let me first say that we are still boarding the EBHF aircraft. We have not departed yet and we are indeed still accepting applications to the program. But the doors to the EBHF aircraft will close Dec 1, 2023. That’s the final date for our office to receive applications.

I am happy to report that the EBHF engines are now powered on and many passengers are now taking their seats. We know which runway we will use to take off from when we leave in January and we know the anticipated flight path of the training program from start to finish.

When we take off in January we will not return until Aug 2025. We do not accept running applications throughout the year and we do not have staggered start times. After Jan 2024, our next EBHF start date will be Jan 2026.

It’s sure to be an amazing journey and I am honored to take this voyage with so many health care practitioners who desire to advance their knowledge and skills in hair loss …and help patients around the world with hair loss !!

For answers to your questions about the EBHF or to receive more information about the EBHF or upcoming “Question & Answer” webinars simply contact our coordinators at info@donovanhairacademy.com

Looking forward to it!

This article was written by Dr. Jeff Donovan, a Canadian and US board certified dermatologist specializing exclusively in hair loss.

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