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Hair Growth, Without Side Effects: The Ultimate Goal of A Hair Loss Treatment

Improving Hair Growth Potential and Reducing Side Effects

To get hair to grow, without causing the patient to experience any sort of side effect is the ultimate goal of an ideal hair loss treatment. It can still can be a bit of a challenge with some types of current treatments that exist for some types of hair loss.  Side effects must always be considered. Fortunately, the challenge is proving to be a surmountable one with new progress in many areas of hair loss research.

Hair researchers try to find ways to get hair to grow in specific and targeted ways without having other cells get involved if they don’t really need to be involved.  It’s surprisingly more challenging than one might think given how connected the human body is. 

The Challenges of Balancing Hair Growth with Limiting Side Effects

In some cases, the challenge is similar to the challenge that exists in throwing a party for 200 guests without disrupting the neighbors. It is possible but one needs a really specific strategy.

How does one throw a party for 200 guests without disrupting the neighbours?

How does one throw a party for 200 guests without disrupting the neighbours?

In other cases, the challenge is similar to the challenge that exists when trying to deliver a package, a pizza or flowers to a certain home without the family’s guard dog waking up. It is possible but one needs a really specific strategy.

How does one deliver something to a home without disrupting the guard dog?

How does one deliver something to a home without disrupting the guard dog?

In other cases, the challenge is similar to the challenge that exists when a musician needs to practice a cymbal routine for orchestra practice but needs to also ensure that the sleeping baby is not disrupted. It is possible but one needs a really specific strategy.

How does one practice the cymbals without waking a sleeping baby?

How does one practice the cymbals without waking a sleeping baby?


In the field of hair loss, we are getting better and getting hair to grow without disrupting nearby cells, organs and body systems.  But we still have a ways to go. The neighbors still complain from time to time, the dog still barks every now and then and the baby still cries every few cymbal practices but there is less complaining, barking and crying than once occurred. 

But the miracle of science is the confidence we can all have that someday we will achieve so many of the goals that once seemed impossible.

This article was written by Dr. Jeff Donovan, a Canadian and US board certified dermatologist specializing exclusively in hair loss.

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