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Ketoconazole Shampoo 2-4 Times Weekly Improves Hair Density

A Closer Look at the Piérard-Franchimont et al, 1998 Study

It is important for hair specialists to have a good understanding of a some of the important and key hair research studies from the past. One such study is the 1998 study by Pierard Franchimont and colleagues that set out to examine the role of ketoconaozle shampoo in promoting hair growth.

Study 1: Ketoconazole shampoo 2-4 times weekly vs control

In the first part of the study, the authors set out to determine if men using 2 % ketoconazole shampoo had any better outcomes than men using a standard shampoo.

The researchers studied 39 men aged between 21 and 33 years who presented with grade III vertex AGA. None of the participants had been diagnosed with dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis in the previous 6 months. 27 of the 39 male subjects used exclusively 2% KCZ shampoo 2–4 times weekly over a 21- month period. 12 of the 39 male subjects used an unmedicated shampoo similar way.

Results showed that hair density calculations increased in males using the ketoconazole shampoo and decreased in men using an unmediated control shampoo. Males using the ketoconazole shampoo first experienced increases in density around month number 6 and then continued to increase density until around month 15 when hair density seemed to more or less plateau.

Study 2: Ketoconazole shampoo daily vs 2% minoxidil once daily

A second study was performed by the researchers to better examine how 2% ketoconazole shampoo compares to 2 % minoxidil. It’s important to note as we go along that the researchers did not choose to use 5% minoxidil which is known now to be far better for treating male balding than 2 % minoxidil. Furthermore, the minoxidil used in the study I will now describe was used only once per day not the standard twice daily. Finally, the study I am about to describe was very small.

The study involved two groups of 4 men, ages 24 to 29 years with grade III vertex alopecia. Punch biopsies were taken before the start of the study and after 6 months of treatment. In group 1, male participants used ketoconazole shampoo “ad libitum” meaning they used the shampoos however they wanted to. In group 2, the male subjects use minoxidil 2 % once daily and used a non medicated shampoo “ad libitum.”

At the end of the 6 month study, there was a 7 % increase in hair shaft diameter in males using either ketoconazole shampoo ad libitum and in males using minoxidil lotion 2 % once daily.


This was one of several classic ketoconazole hair growth studies. The main takeaway of this particular study was that ketoconazole shampoo indeed has hair growth promoting properties when used at least 2-4 times weekly.


C Piérard-Franchimont et al. Ketoconazole shampoo: effect of long-term use in androgenic alopecia. Dermatology. 1998;196(4):474-7.

This article was written by Dr. Jeff Donovan, a Canadian and US board certified dermatologist specializing exclusively in hair loss.

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