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Premature Greying of Hair: Family history in 39 %

Strong Family History in Males with Premature Greying of Hair

Authors from Indonesia set out to evaluate the patient characteristics and family history of patients with early greying of hair. The authors recruited 100 college students with the following study inclusion criteria: male, less than 25 years old with hair greying and not have skin pigmentation disorders.

Results of Study

The average age of participants in this study was 20.1 years. The mean onset of was 15.23 years with a range: 9 - 22 years) There was a family history of premature greying in 39%. This was on the paternal side in in 26%; maternal in 10%% and both parents in 3%.

Individuals with premature greying had a strong family history with metabolic disorders. Specifically, hypertension was noted in 29%, obesity was 25%, and diabetes Mellitus (DM) in 15%.

Conclusion and Disucssion

All in all, the authors concluded that family history was a strong risk factor for premature greying of hair.


Anggraini et al. Risk Factors Associated with Premature Hair Greying of Young Adult. Open Access Maced J Med Sci . 2019 Nov 14;7(22):3762-3764.

This article was written by Dr. Jeff Donovan, a Canadian and US board certified dermatologist specializing exclusively in hair loss.

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