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How rare are scarring alopecias?

Scarring Alopecias: More Common than Realized

Five leaf clovers, like scarring alopecias, are probably alot more common than people realize.

Five leaf clovers, like scarring alopecias, are probably alot more common than people realize.

Five leaf clovers are much more common than people realize. It’s just that people don’t always think about it when looking in a patch of clovers or if they are on the lookout for it, they don’t quite have the skills that allow them to be spotted.

Scarring alopecias are also much more common than clinicians realize. It’s just that clinicians don’t always think about it when looking at the scalp or .... if they are on the lookout for it, they don’t quite have the skills that allow these conditions to be spotted.

This article was written by Dr. Jeff Donovan, a Canadian and US board certified dermatologist specializing exclusively in hair loss.

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