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National Scarring Alopecia Awareness Month (Day 19, Myth 4): Is There Research Being done in Scarring Alopecia?

Scarring Alopecia Research Is Increasing Rapidly - Anything to the Contrary is a ….Myth !

When patients ask me why there’s no research happening in scarring alopecia I answer their question with a question “May I ask where you look for your information about hair loss research ?”

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The reality is the research in scarring alopecia is growing incredibly rapidly!!! The rate of yearly publications have increased some 30 fold in the last 25 years and five fold in just the last decade. This image here from pubmed highlights this rapid increase in scarring alopecia research.

Scarring  Alopecia Research

If you expect to find updates on scarring hair loss research while watching your nightly news, or while reading the daily newspaper .... you are going to be disappointed and you’ll continue to have the view that no research is being done in this field.

However, if you look inside the medical journals of the world you’ll quickly come to realize what excitement is brewing and how much collaborative research is currently being done.

No research? Nothing could be further from truth.

I encourage you to look yourself at the PubMed Website

This article was written by Dr. Jeff Donovan, a Canadian and US board certified dermatologist specializing exclusively in hair loss.

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