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What shampoo should I be using?

Shampoo Choices Depend on Many Factors

It’s fascinating how people come to select their shampoo. It’s a complex mix of marketing, psychology, advice from others and instinct that ultimate leads to a specific shampoo bottle finding its way into the bath or shower.

One Third of People Can Use Any Shampoo They want and it will make Little Difference

One third of people could probably use any shampoo and their hair would look and feel great. I tell patients that if they currently love their hair and the way their hair looks and the way their hair feels … then keep using the current shampoo. If not, get expert advice on which shampoo to use.

Two Thirds of People Need A Carefully Chosen Shampoo

Two thirds of people need to choose their shampoo a bit more carefully than simply using whatever a friend or family member recommends. . Each person’s hair has slightly different needs. Those individuals with color treated hair are going to need a different shampoo than a person with oily hair.  The former groups will benefit from less drying sulphate free shampoos. My patients with oily group are most likely going to be given recommendation on specific antidandruff shampoos. Patients with scalp psoriasis or dandruff are going to need different shampoos yet.

Shampoo Allergy or Irritation is More Common than We Realize

Now lets focus our attention on the group of people who are irritated or allergic to certain ingredients in the shampoos they are using. It comes as a surprise to many that 2 - 4 % of individuals that will shampoo their hair today don’t even know the shampoo they will reach for is part of their problem. They they have stubbornly persistent redness in the scalp or stubbornly persistent scalp symptoms. Some also have annoying rashes on the ears, eyelids, face, neck and they have no idea that this rash is connected to their choice of shampoo. (see Shampoo Allergy: Look Beyond the Scalp). Rarely they even have persistent hair shedding. These groups probably need to track down a hypoallergenic shampoo for which several now exist on the market.


I am asked about shampoos every single day. Many patients want to know exactly what they should be using. I say to people that I would not be able to tell them what type and size shoe to buy until I know more about their feet and what exactly they plan to do with their feet (running, fashion, casual). Similarly, I can’t recommend one general all encompassing shampoo without knowing more about a patient’s hair and the specific needs.

This article was written by Dr. Jeff Donovan, a Canadian and US board certified dermatologist specializing exclusively in hair loss.

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