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PRP Therapy as a Short Term Booster in Androgenetic Alopecia: Is it useful?

Short Term PRP Provides Little to No Long Term Benefit.

Each week, I answer a series of great questions submitted through the Donovan Hair Clinic website


Here is our selection for this week.

This week I address an interesting topic related to the short term use of PRP in treating androgenetic alopecia

I’m a 38 year old female and have androgenetic alopecia. I  went away to Europe in August and half of September and forgot to take my minoxidil with me and didn’t end up buying more while away as I though it would be okay. . (Well, it was not okay!). In total, I was six weeks off minoxidil. Now, I am shedding crazy amounts. I have now started back on minoxidil but I’m still shedding. I realize it’s only been one month since I restarted and it will take some time. I’m thinking I’d like to do PRP in October and November to help kick start this process again. PRP is a bit over budget for me to continue long term but I can afford a few treatments. Is this worth doing?
I am desperate for something to work !

The full link with answer is posted here :
Can I use Short Term PRP to Kick Start My Androgenetic Alopecia Treatment Plan?

This article was written by Dr. Jeff Donovan, a Canadian and US board certified dermatologist specializing exclusively in hair loss.

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