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To intervene or Not Intervene: The Key Question with Telogen Effluvium

Some Patients with Telogen Effluvium Require No Treatment

Every coach, parent and teacher comes to recognize that there are moments when taking the time to teach or instruct are absolutely necessary for the ultimate benefit of the trainee, child or learner.

The wise coach, parent or teacher, however, also comes to recognize that there are plenty of times when standing off to the side, staying quiet and letting things proceed uninterrupted are precisely what is needed for the given situation.

As hair specialists, it’s useful to remember these tips.

Telogen effluvium (hair shedding) is one particularly good test of patience for the hair specialist.

Sometimes in hair shedding disorders, the hair specialist needs to intervene. The specialist needs to address all the issues that contributed to the abnormal hair shedding in order to recommend treatments that encourage the hairs to regrow. TE from low iron, medications or thyroid disorders are examples. Affected patients generally require treatment.

There are many other times, however, when the wisest plan for the hair specialist is to remain on the sidelines and not intervene and simply allow the intrinsic resilience of the patient’s own hair follicles to work things out. TE from acute stress, an acute infection, post partum shedding or short term dieting are examples. Affected patients may not require treatment

There are many cases of telogen effluvium whereby the best plan is not to intervene.

This article was written by Dr. Jeff Donovan, a Canadian and US board certified dermatologist specializing exclusively in hair loss.

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