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Systematic Review Highlights Key Features of Post-COVID Telogen Effluvium

New Review Highlights Features of Post COVID Telogen Effluvium

A new systematic review published in the Journal of Virology highlights some of the important features of Post covid telogen effluvium (TE-PC). TE-PC is a form a hair shedding that happens many weeks after a COVID 19 infection has resolved.

The authors extracted data were obtained from a total of 19 studies, including 465 patients who were diagnosed with TE-PC. Studies ranged in size from 1 to 191. The median age of these patients was 44 years and 67.5% were females. In the author’s estimate, the mean duration from COVID‐19 symptom onset to the appearance of acute TE was 74 days, which is earlier than classic acute TE.


Post COVID TE is an important issue and one that we all need to recognize. This systematic review reminds us that TE-PC is more likely to affect women and is occurs 8-10 weeks after infection.


Hussain et al. A systematic review of acute telogen effluvium, a harrowing post-COVID-19 manifestation.

J Med Virol. 2022 Apr;94(4):1391-1401.

This article was written by Dr. Jeff Donovan, a Canadian and US board certified dermatologist specializing exclusively in hair loss.

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