I have FPHL and have used everything imaginable. What else is there?

What are the other options for female pattern hair loss?

I’ve selected this question below for this week’s question of the week. It allows us to review some concepts in treatment of female androgenetic alopecia.


I am 41 and have been diagnosed with FPHL and have used Rogaine, laser, PRP and spironolactone. Nothing works! What else is there? Have I exhausted all the options?


Thanks for the question. Let me being by saying that you’ll want to make sure that you have the right diagnosis. That’s always the first key step. My question when I see patients with a story like this is:

1) Is androgenetic alopecia the correct diagnosis ?

2) Are there other diagnoses here in addition to androgenetic alopecia ?

If there is any uncertainty, a biopsy may be needed. If you and your doctors are indeed confident it’s AGA then there are alternatives but what to use really depends on a person’s age, medical history, plans for pregnancy, emotional and psychiatric health, cardiovascular health and liver and kidney health. I’ll also assume that you have given each of these 6 months because that’s how long it takes to figure out if it’s working or not. I see patients every day who use Rogaine or spironolactone for 1-2 months and conclude it’s not working and stop. It takes a long time to evaluate effectiveness.

There are options for oral minoxidil, oral finasteride, oral dutasteride, topical finasteride, bicalutamide and hair transplantation. Be sure to give each and every treatment you try 9 months before you evaluate if it worked or not. I’ve included a list of first line, second line and third line treatments for premenopausal women. These may be a starting point for further discussions with your doctors. Some of these may not be options in young women on childbearing potential so you’ll want to discuss these in great detail. Often in a situation like you’ve described oral minoxidil or topical antiandrogens would be a next step with consideration given to a scalp biopsy to rule out any mimicking conditions.

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