Am I going to get shedding with minoxidil if I'm already using something?

Hair Shedding with Minoxidil (Rogaine)

I’ve selected this question below for this week’s question of the week. It allows us to review the concept of hair shedding when treatments are started for androgenetic hair loss.


I am 54 year old post menopausal female and using finasteride 2.5 mg daily for androgenetic alopecia. it seems to be helping. I would like to start Rogaine foam but I am terrified I will get shedding. I know that people can get shedding when the start Rogaine but does the fact that I am already on finasteride decrease the chances of getting shedding with Rogaine. Thank you for your input.


Thanks for the question. The short answer is - yes, your chances of shedding are lowered a bit now that you are on finasteride and responding to it. It’s not reduced to zero but it is reduced.

Let’s take a look at the longer answer.

The full answer is that really depends on what the scalp thinks about the minoxidil AND the finasteride.

Let’s take a look at the finasteride situation first:

If your scalp loves the finasteride (i.e. omg best thing ever love love love it)... then the minoxidil probably won’t cause much of a shed. The hair follicles are ‘all ears’ to what the finasteride is telling it. However, if the finasteride is only helping just a little bit then shedding might occur when Rogaine is started …. but chances are less than someone who starts minoxidil without any other treatment on board.

Now let’s take a look at the minoxidil situation next:

Now if the minoxidil is a going to be a truly outstanding treatment for you (i.e. omg best thing ever love love love it), then the hair really might shed a bit after starting. The LESS helpful the finasteride was and the MORE helpful the minoxidil is, the greater the chances of shedding.

All in all, I would not be too concerned about shedding with Rogaine. But the point to the answer is that it depends a bit on what the hair thinks about both of these treatments. Generally speaking, hair shedding with minoxidil is less if another treatment is already helping out when the minoxidil gets started.

I hope this helps you.

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