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Three Weeks to Go Until Applications Close for the EBHF

We are just 3 weeks away from the deadline to apply for the 2024-2025 Evidence Based Hair training fellowship (EBHF). Please contact my team at info@donovanhairacademy.com for more information. The EBHF is a 87 week virtual program for hair loss practitioners around the world who wish to further develop their expertise in hair loss. The program has been developed following many years of discussion with physicians, surgeons, medical educators and allied health professionals about the depth and scope of training that is needed for advanced practitioners who will be the experts of tomorrow.

There are 3 groups of participants. A Wednesday group which meets every Wednesday from 3-6 pm PST, a Thursday group which meets Thursdays 11:30 am - 2:30 pm PST and a group of practitioners which pursue the program without attending live sessions but who complete all assignments and quizzes of the course and watch recordings of the live sessions. The requirements and expectations for successful completion of the training fellowship are slightly different in the various groups.

“Weekly Group” Requirements

For those who are part of the live lecture program on Wednesdays or Thursdays, the requirements are:

1. attendance at 70 % of the sessions (60 or more of the 87 weeks)
2. completion of all weekly MCQ (multiple choice questions).
3. completion of all 13 end of block quizzes
4. completion of 70 % of the weekly assignments

“Parallel Group” Requirements

For those who are not able to attend the live lectures, the requirements are

1. completion of all weekly MCQ (multiple choice questions).
2. completion of all 13 end of block MCQ quizzes
3. completion 100 % of the weekly assignments

Parallel Group participants are provided with access to weekly recordings of the main group’s live sessions (and weekly group participants are also provided links as well). Parallel group participants are always welcome to attend any of the live lectures & weekly sessions but must complete all assignments if fewer than 60 of the 87 meetings are attended.

A participant may switch from the live session to the Parallel group at any time provided all assignments were completed in prior weeks.

This article was written by Dr. Jeff Donovan, a Canadian and US board certified dermatologist specializing exclusively in hair loss.

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