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The Next Era of Hair Loss Treatments

An Exciting New Era Awaits Us: May Evidence Based Medicine Always Be Our Guide

We are at the cusp of a new era of hair loss treatments. It will be an era of expanded treatment options with significantly improved efficacy. It will be an era like none seen before.  It is not the final era, but it most certainly is the next much anticipated chapter. It is coming soon.

I have mixed emotions. I am excited but at the same time I am also worried.

The new era will have new options, new terms, new lingo and new myths and new confusion. We have not yet resolved the myths and challenges of the current era and so entry into the new era will require us to work even harder.

The new era will provide us with better options with fewer side effects. The new era will offer an ability to better stabilize hair loss in the long run. 

However, I suspect that costs of hair loss treatments are about to significantly increase. The cost of the useful treatments will be high but so will the costs of the useless ones that pretend to rival them. New imitators are guaranteed to come on board and enter the market. The fountain of snake oil has not run dry. Misinformation will certainly abound in the new era.

My Four Hopes for the New Era

I have four main hopes for this new era.

1. My hope is that the rigours of evidence based medicine will remain the beacon to guide us all in the otherwise dark and stormy waters of the hair loss world.

2. My hope is that the voice of good science and good methodology will always triumph over the voices of what has come to be termed “influencers” (in the world of social media)  and what has come to be called “thought leaders” (in the professional realm).

3. My hope is that transparency will always remain the ethical principle that all of us strive for.

4. My hope is that common sense will win out over the common instincts of panic and impatience.

Final Thoughts and Conclusions.

A new era is on the horizon. It is exciting. Better treatments with fewer side effects and more durable results are coming. We won’t know we are there until we have passed through the gates and look back at the other side. But we are surely rounding the corner and the new era is not too far off.

May evidence based medicine and the principles of science always be our guide.

This article was written by Dr. Jeff Donovan, a Canadian and US board certified dermatologist specializing exclusively in hair loss.

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