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Breakthrough Study Highlights Potential Role of Osteopontin and CD44 in Hair Growth

Study of Skin Moles Turns up New Findings

A new study published in the journal Nature suggested that a molecule called osteopontin may have an important role in hair regeneration.

The data comes from a study of hairy moles (also called nevi). It was discovered that as pigment producing cells enter a dormant or senescent state they produce a variety of molecules. One of these is osteopontin.

Hair stem cells have a matching receptor molecule called CD44. Upon molecular interaction between osteopontin and CD44, hair stem cells became activated, resulting in hair growth.

This study is important as it highlight the potential for osteopontin to take on new roles in hair regeneration in the future.


Wang et al. Signalling by senescent melanocytes hyperactivates hair growth. Nature. 2023 Jun;618(7966):808-817

This article was written by Dr. Jeff Donovan, a Canadian and US board certified dermatologist specializing exclusively in hair loss.

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