Can I use Oral Minoxidil and Spironolactone Together?

Oral minoxidil and Spironolactone Lower Blood Pressure - But Only Slightly

I’ve selected this question below for this week’s question of the week. It allows us to review some concepts in use of oral minoxidil and spironolactone.


My doctor won’t prescribe oral minoxidil and oral spironolactone as he says the two can lower blood pressure to dangerous levels. Is that true? I see many patients combine them.


Thanks for this question. I can’t say whether you should use them or not as I haven’t reviewed your whole story and haven’t examined your scalp. however, I can say a few pertinent points here!

You’ll want to review a recent prior article on the subject as I think you’ll find it helpful.


I think you and your doctors just need to ask the key question: how much to they lower blood pressure? Spironolactone lowers blood pressure about 3 mm Hg and oral minoxidil about 1 or 2 mm Hg. So a person might get 5 mm Hg change. For most humans, this is not significant although a small proportion of people really do feel this drop and don’t like that sensation.

Overall, 5 points change in blood pressure is pretty small!

Blood pressure drops a great deal throughout our every day. That’s important to understand.

It drop about 15 points when we are sleeping! It is highest in the morning and drops in the afternoon and evening. It rises when we are stressed and rises quite a bit when exercising. Some have swings of 40-50 points at times during the day!

For the vast majority of people, a few points drop in blood pressure is not harmful. Be sure to discuss with your doctors! I don’t know enough about your story to say if it’s right for you or not. But lots of patients use both oral minoxidil and oral spironolactone at carefully selected doses and proper monitoring.

Hope this helps!

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