Pumpkin Seed Oil: Not a Substitute for Finasteride

Pumpkin Seed Oil for AGA

I’ve selected this question below for this week’s question of the week. It allows us to review some concepts in the use of pumpkin seed oil for treating AGA.


I have side effects on finasteride will now reduce to 3 times weekly instead of daily in hopes this will help. iI will also start pumpkin seed oil the other days to help block the DHT. What do you think of this plan?


Pumpkin seed oil may have minor benefits for treating AGA - but it is not a substitute for finasteride so directly. There are no good studies that really guide us as to how much worse it is than finasteride but it’s certainly not the same at all.

To make things worse there are thousands of brands and purities and methods of processing of pumpkin seed oil. So the kind one person buys is not likely to be the same as the kind another person buys. These are not the same. Running 5 minutes from my parking lot to my office is not the same for health and fitness routine as running 60 minutes across town. They are both considered exercise but one clearly does more than the other.

Both pumpkin seed oil and finasteride and considered (by some) as “DHT blockers”, bu they are not the same - clearly one does much more than the other.

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